Reverse Harper's cuts to out healthcare system

1,614 actions
goal: 2,000

Health Minister Jane Philpott just dropped a major bomb: the Liberal government is not planning to reverse Harper’s multi-billion dollar cuts to the healthcare funding formula. [1]

After a decade of neglect by the Harper government, our medical system is scrambling to keep up with demand, and leadership from the federal government is desparately needed.

Unless the government restores adequate funding, seniors will be put at risk, hospitals will be forced to cut corners, and our families will struggle to get the care we need. [2]

It’s not too late. In just a few weeks, the Liberal government will meet with the provinces for critical negotiations on a new Health Accord that will include a new healthcare funding formula. [3]

If thousands of us speak out now, we can convince government to come to the table with the funding needed to save our healthcare system from collapse. Will you sign the petition calling on government to reverse Harper’s cuts to health funding?

The last Health Accord, negotiated under Paul Martin’s Liberal government, provided stable increases in health funding to cover inflation and the increased costs associated with an aging population.

When the agreement expired in 2014, Harper refused to negotiate a new accord. Instead he slashed the funding formula, cutting annual increases in half. Harper’s cuts mean healthcare funding won’t keep pace with inflation. The public healthcare system that many of us are proud of would be slowly strangled.

Provincial leaders like Nova Scotia Premier Stephen McNeil are lobbying the federal government to reverse Harper’s cuts and provide the funding our healthcare system needs. If thousands of us add our voices, we can convince the government to stand up for our healthcare system. [4]

Key meetings between the federal and provincial governments are just weeks away, so we need to act now. Will you sign the petition calling on the federal government to reverse Harper’s dangerous cuts to our healthcare funding formula?


[1] Liberals keeping Harper target for health transfers: Philpott (CTV News).


[2] Don’t leave seniors out in the cold (Canadian Medical Association).


[3] See 1 above


[4] Help the aged through a new Health Accord (Toronto Star). 


[5] See 1 above


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