Tell Trudeau: Canada needs a basic income now

61,576 actions
goal: 81,000
There's a simple way to make sure everyone can afford basic essentials — and it’s supported by MPs from all parties, economists, and a majority of Canadians1 2 3. A guaranteed, livable basic income, coupled with investments in social programs, would ensure everyone has what they need to get by.

A huge petition showing that there is public support for a guaranteed livable basic income, could be enough to convince our government to invest in a basic income  so that everyone can meet their basic needs and lead a dignified life.

Sign the petition to Prime Minister Trudeau calling for a guaranteed, livable basic income now.

Prime Minister Trudeau:

Tackle economic inequality with a guaranteed, livable income for all.

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Leadnow is sustained by thousands of small, individual donations from across the country. Can you chip in to help ramp up our basic income campaign?