Protect the Greenbelt

7,225 actions
goal: 10,000
On Monday — while we were at Queen's Park delivering over 20,000 petition signatures to the legislature — Doug Ford's PCs rammed through Bill 23.1

Ford is banking on the rapid passage diffusing that resistance. But here's the good news: there are still plenty of ways to keep up the fight against the bill and its worst impacts.

The most immediate is by submitting comments to the Environmental Registry of Ontario (ERO). The government is legally obligated to review and assess every single comment submitted to the ERO — and we've set up a tool that makes it easy to submit comments in just a couple of clicks. But we have to act fast — submissions close this weekend. 

Submit a comment today.

Submit a comment to the Environmental Registry of Ontario.

We've pre-drafted a comment for you but feel free to customize it.

Send to
Environmental Registry of Ontario - Greenbelt Consultation

Your details
Postal code format: A1A1A1 (no spaces)

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