Tell Canadian Banks: Follow HSBC's Lead and stop investing in obsolete fossil fuels

3,790 actions
goal: 5,000
Huge news: HSBC just announced that they’re going to stop lending money to any new oil and gas fields, including the infrastructure used to transport from these.1 They are the first major global bank to make this move - but not the last.

HSBC is Europe’s largest historical financier of fossil fuel expansion, and they are making this commitment because of pressure from thousands of people across the climate movement and beyond. It's a clear admission that the interests of the fossil fuel industry have diverged from the interests of the financial sector. And it creates a major opportunity for us to put pressure on banks here at home.

Today, HSBC is getting a ton of positive press.2 That could have been RBC or one of the other Canadian banks - but instead, Canada's big banks have continued to greenwash climate commitments, and tout fracked gas pipelines as sustainable.

It's time to demand better. Send an email to key executives at each of the major Canadian banks, telling them to follow HSBC's lead and put an immediate halt to any further funding of new oil and gas projects.

Email key execs at Canada's big banks

Use the form below to send an email to the CEOs and Group Heads of Wealth Management at all five of Canada's largest banks. We've written a letter for you, but feel free to personalize it - custom letters tend to have more impact!

Send to
Key executives at all five major Canadian banks

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Postal code format: A1A1A1 (no spaces)

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