Cabinet Ministers: Arms Embargo Now

210 actions
goal: 500
The International Court of Justice (ICJ) has ordered Israel to end its assault on Rafah – and yet, the Israeli military continues to drop bombs in violation of international law. After the ICJ released this ruling on Friday, Prime Minister Trudeau spoke in support of it – yet, the Canadian government continues to allow military equipment to flow to Israel, despite Parliament voting for an arms embargo in March of this year.

There is no time to delay. Our government needs to hear that we won’t stand for complicity in the atrocities the Israeli state is committing right now in Rafah. Call a Cabinet Minister today and ask them to increase pressure and establish an immediate, two-way arms embargo on Israeli-Canadian military trade.
Talking points to include in your message:
  • My name is [introduce yourself], and I am calling as a [Canadian/person living in Canada] who is devastated by what is happening in Rafah.

  • Despite the ICJ ruling that the offensive must stop, Israel is blatantly ignoring international law with horrifying consequences.

  • It is unacceptable for Canada to remain on the sidelines. I am deeply concerned about the lack of action on an arms embargo against Israel, despite a motion that passed with a majority in the House of Commons in March.

  • Canadians won’t stand for our government’s complicity in the atrocities the Israeli state is committing against innocent Palestinians. I am calling on you to revoke all military export permits and impose a two-way arms embargo on Israel immediately.
*Note: in some cases, MP voicemails require pressing 1 to finalize sending your message. We suggest you do this in case there is no clear prompt to do so.

Instructions on how to call:
1. Read the talking points to your left.
2. Enter your information below, including your phone number.
3. We’ll call you back, connecting you directly to a Cabinet Minister.
4. Leave a message on the answering machine if you reach voicemail. If you speak to office staff, just ask them to pass on your message to the Cabinet Minister. Make sure to tell them your name.

Your details
Postal code format: A1A1A1 (no spaces)

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