Call on Minister LeBlanc to halt Site C

543 actions
goal: 750
UPDATE: We've already made 527 calls to the Fisheries' Minister! That's 13 collective hours of calls. We're hearing that the calls are super easy, that they're going well, and that staffers are receptive. Keep em' coming. If the mailbox is full, you can email Minister LeBlanc at at [email protected] and [email protected]

If we flood Fisheries Minister Dominic LeBlanc’s office with phone calls, it just might be enough to pressure him to refuse to sign Site C construction permits until the courts rule on the Treaty 8 First Nations legal challenge to the dam.

Your call will only take a minute but it will make a huge difference. Here's what you need to do:
  1. Read the instructions and talking points below
  2. Enter your information to the right, and we'll connect you to the Fisheries Minister's office
  3. Record the results once the call's over

Watch Brittany make a call and see how easy it is!

Here are the basic instructions:
  • Call the Fisheries Minister Dominic Leblanc and leave a message on the answering machine if you reach the voicemail.
  • If you speak to office staff, just ask to leave a message for the Minister
  • State your full name
  • Mention that you stand with First Nations and demand the government put a moratorium on all Site C construction permits until the Treaty 8 First Nations legal challenge is over.
  • If you’d like a response, leave your phone number.

If you’d like to include more information in your message, here are some talking points you can use:
  • Treaty 8 First Nations are challenging the Site C dam in the Federal Court of Canada to defend their Treaty rights to hunt, fish, and trap on the lands Site C will destroy.
  • It would be unfair and unjust for the federal government to approve Site C construction permits before the Federal court has ruled on the challenge
  • The government promised a renewed relationship with First Nations in Canada -- one based on rights and respect. Allowing construction on the dam before the courts rule on Treaty 8 First Nations’ legal challenge contradicts these promises.

Background information on Site C:
  • Site C is an $8.8 billion dollar project to build a hydroelectric dam in northeastern BC
  • Wildlife habitat, sacred sites, and valuable agricultural land will be drowned and lost if the project goes forward. It will also make fishing unsafe for at least a generation.
  • BC doesn't need the new energy that Site C would produce, making the project completely unnecessary and a colossal waste of public money
  • Site C violates First Nations treaty rights. The right to fish, trap, and hunt cannot be exercised if the land is drowned, the fish diseased, and the wildlife killed off.
  • First Nations, farmers, environmentalists, and local groups are opposing the dam

Call on Minister Leblanc to halt all Site C construction permits

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Postal code format: A1A1A1 (no spaces)

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