Sign up to host a Call for Climate phone party!
Sign up to host a calling party in your living room, local park, or community centre by filling out the sign up box on this page. You need to first fill in *your personal* information so we can get a hold of you, and then *event* information, the when and where of your calling party (you can always edit this after you sign up!).
After you sign up, we'll send you a step by step toolkit to hosting your calling party, and once we've reviewed the details of your event, we'll put it up on our map (note: this may take a few days. If you select "private event", your event will *not* show up on the map.)
If we want to stop the impacts of the climate crisis from getting worse, we need to make this election a turning point for climate action and help elect as many climate champions as possible.
Sign up here
Leadnow will respect your privacy, and keep you updated about this campaign and others.