MPs: Rein in Grocery Greed

7,251 actions
goal: 10,000
Since May 1st, over 78,000 Canadians have been boycotting Loblaws and its affiliates over increased prices — and they’re making waves in the media.

Despite the fact that grocery store profits have doubled — and that Loblaws just announced their highest increase in shareholder payouts in the past 15 years — Loblaw’s figurehead Galen Weston has called the boycott “misguided criticism.”

Canadians can’t afford to wait for Big Grocers to play nice. As grocery prices soar, we need politicians to step up and use their legislative arsenal to tackle food prices.

Will you write to your MP, calling on them to impose legislative changes to rein in corporate actors like Loblaws and tackle grocery price gouging?

Federal MPs:

Rein in Grocery Greed: take legislative action to tackle increased grocery prices.

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