Poilievre: come clean about your cuts

14,497 actions
goal: 19,000

Facing increased scrutiny from the media on how he’d fulfill his promise to “fix the budget” if elected, Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre recently refused to rule out cuts to programs like daycare, pharmacare, and dental care.

There’s no doubt about it: if Poilievre came to power, his first move would be to gut the programs that everyday people rely on. But right now, he’s playing both sides: on one hand, building momentum in the polls with his working class act; and on the other, winking at the corporations waiting ravenously in the wings to devour our hard-won public services.

But Poilievre’s success can only last as long as voters are kept in the dark about his true intentions – so if we can spotlight his plans to gut the programs people depend on, we could help reverse his momentum in the polls.

Tell Poilievre: come clean about the programs you’d cut if the Conservatives win in the next election!  

Pierre Poilievre:

Come clean about your cuts to essential public services.

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