MPs: take a stand for a free and equal Canada

5,116 actions
goal: 7,000
Just like everyone in Canada, queer and trans people deserve the freedom to be ourselves, to be safe in our communities, and treated with dignity.

May 17th is the International Day against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia (IDAHOBIT). And this Friday will mark 34 years since homosexuality had its status as a disease removed by the World Health Organization.

Right now in Canada, hate is on the rise — powered by far-right groups and opportunistic politicians who are scapegoating queer and trans people for political gain.

That’s why a new national coalition of queer and trans people are marking this anniversary with a Rainbow Week of Action, to demand our government hold the line against far-right hate. Thank you for sending a message to your MP today to take a stand for queer and trans rights!

MPs and Cabinet Ministers:

This Rainbow Week, take a stand for queer and trans rights in Canada!

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your local representative

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Postal code format: A1A1A1 (no spaces)

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