Summer Tabling 2019

Our planet is facing a climate emergency -- and we don’t have time to waste. To address it at the scale required means investing now in a full scale transition and making sure no one gets left behind -- that means slashing emissions in half while also creating a million green jobs, and lifting up Indigenous rights.

We’ve developed an ambitious plan focused on making this election a turning point for climate action, by challenging parties and candidates to put forward their boldest solutions to the climate crisis, and helping elect “climate champions” who will make climate a top priority in the next parliament.

We're setting up tables and booths at summer farmer's markets and festivals in ridings across the country to talk with voters about bold climate action that doesn't leave anyone behind.

Will you sign up to host a tabling event at your local farmer's market or festival?

Fill out your information, and the information for when and where you'd like to host your tabling event in the box on the right of this page.

Sign up here

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Our voices are stronger when we work together.

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