BC Fair Wages Commission

2,563 actions
goal: 4,000

Tens of thousands of British Columbians who earn minimum wage are living below the poverty line, even if they work full time. [1]  

The new BC NDP government has promised to raise the minimum wage to $15. It’s a long overdue change that is desperately needed to ensure all workers can make ends meet, but there are some important details left to figure out.

An independent Fair Wages Commission is studying how to implement the wage hike, and if we don’t pipe up they could slow down the timeline for implementation and even exclude some types of workers.

They’re looking for input on when the minimum wage increase should be put in place, who should be excluded from it, and how our minimum wage legislation should be reviewed over time. We’re recommending that:

  • The wage increase starts in January 2019
  • No workers should be exempted from this (including servers and farm workers)
  • The commission is made permanent, so that the minimum wage can be regularly reviewed

The deadline to submit feedback to the commission is 4pm on Dec 7th. If we act fast, we can flood the commission with requests to implement the minimum wage hike quickly and for all workers. Can you send a message now?



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BC Fair Wages Commission

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