BC NDP: stop punishing companies for leaving old growth standing

4,215 actions
goal: 6,000
BC logging firm Downie Timber in Revelstoke wants to stop logging sections of at-risk old growth — but the Crown Corporation that manages BC’s forests just told them to cut the trees down, or pay a massive fee to leave them standing.1

The BC NDP was elected on a promise to protect these ancient trees — but now, they’re penalizing a company for trying to do the very same thing.2

For Downie Timber, leaving old growth standing is a way to honour their relationships with local First Nations and to protect the critical habitat of one of the province’s sole recovering caribou herds. They’re doing everything the BC government should be doing — but instead of being celebrated for their leadership, they’re being punished.3

The BC NDP has shown us they don’t care about protecting old growth — so it’s our job to show them that they’ll have their own political price to pay for their broken promises. Will you add your name to the petition calling on BC Premier David Eby and Minister of Forests Bruce Ralston to stop punishing companies for leaving old growth standing?

BC NDP: stop punishing companies for leaving old growth standing

Tell the BC NDP to allow timber companies to leave old growth trees standing without penalty.

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