48 hours to get money out of Vancouver Politics

1,348 actions
goal: 1,500

Money corrupts politics – and there’s no limit to how much money an individual, corporation or union can donate in BC’s municipal elections. It’s unbelievable – in the 2011 Vancouver election, there was one single property development corporation that donated a mind-boggling $960,000 to the NPA. 1

Now the BC government has set up a special committee to create new municipal election finance rules, we have a rare chance to clean up our local elections.

While the committee is asking for public comment, you better believe that big money and developers are going to be lobbying the government hard to make sure they can still dominate this “wild west” free-for-all.

We need thousands to call for strong and fair election finance rules that limit spending, limit contributions and ban corporate and union donations. Will you join us?

The deadline is this Friday, December 5th, so please send your message today. Tell the Special Committee that you want strong and fair election finance rules for BC’s municipalities.

This kind of big donor free for all is already banned in our federal elections, so why should we put up with it in our backyards? 2

The good news is that Vision Vancouver, COPE and the Green Party are all calling for strong and fair election finance rules. If the province gives the City of Vancouver the power to act, the majority on council and can make it happen. 3 Please send your message today.


  1.  Municipal campaign contributors discuss donations
  2. Campaign donor lists released by Vision Vancouver and NPA
  3. Spending limits promised for BC’s next municipal elections
Sorry this campaign has ended

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