Abortion is not up for debate, stop Bill C-311

26,005 actions
goal: 34,000
Conservative MPs and anti-choice groups are trying to reopen the abortion debate in Canada, by passing Bill C-311. [1]

Bill C-311 is an act to amend the criminal code and make physical or emotional harm to a pregnant person an aggravating factor in sentencing. [2] This may seem like an act to protect people, but abortion-rights groups, and some Liberal and NDP MPs see it for what it is: a slippery slope to criminalizing abortion. It's a dangerous precedent to set. [3]

We want to send a clear message: access to abortion is not up for debate. We need MPs across the country to vote this bill down. Sign the petition now calling on MPs to stop Bill C-311.

Federal MPs

We the undersigned are calling on you to vote NO to Bill C-311.

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