Sign Now: Put people over profit, shut down Cargill!

287 actions
goal: 500
Despite having the largest outbreak of the coronavirus in North America, Cargill meat processing plant in Alberta re-opened its doors last week.[1]

The virus spread rapidly through the plant because workers are packed in “elbow to elbow”, with barely any breathing room and the results are fatal.[2

These are real lives lost. Like Armando Sallgue from the Philippines who was visiting his son, a worker at the plant, when he caught the virus. Or Hiep Bui, who was working to support her family back home.[3] 

Alberta Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) has to decide whether or not to shut the plant down until adequate protections are in place for employees — and the decision could come as early as Thursday.[4]
They already got it wrong once before when they let the plant reopen even though it was unsafe for workers — which means they could get it wrong again. A massive public outcry calling on them to do the right thing could stop them from repeating their mistake and endangering thousands of workers.[5]

But with only a few days until the decision, we have to act fast. Add your name now.

Alberta Occupational Health and Safety

Issue a stop work order to shut down the Cargill plant until they put in adequate protections to keep workers safe.

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Postal code format: A1A1A1 (no spaces)

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To convince Alberta OHS we need to create a massive public outcry. Will you share this petition on social media?