Email your MP to demand the ultra-wealthy pay for climate action

573 actions
goal: 750
Most of us were taught as kids that if you make a mess, it's on you to clean it up. But this isn't happening in Canada's climate policy - like the carbon tax.

In most provinces, when it comes to the carbon tax, someone struggling to pay for their weekly groceries, or their bus pass to get to work everyday, is being treated the same as the multi-millionaire who takes private jets — even though the ultra-wealthy are responsible for more carbon emissions.

Unlike the average Canadian family, the top 1% have increased their share of carbon emissions from consumption by 31% since 1990.

As climate policy dominates airwaves and with wildfire season on the horizon, there is an opportunity to make sure those with the biggest responsibility for fueling the climate crisis are the ones paying the most to clean it up.

Will you email your MP demanding that the federal government make the wealthiest pay more for climate action?

Email your MP

Demand the ultra-wealthy and corporations pay for climate action

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