Email Ministers Khera and Freeland to fund the Canada Disability Benefit!

9,685 actions
goal: 13,000
Our allies are telling us that the Canada Disability Benefit (CDB), which was passed to address the disability poverty crisis, may not be funded until 2025.1 Current disability benefits are not meeting the rise of inflation, which is why the federal government decided to pass CDB in the first place.

This alongside rising costs of living is exacerbating the day to day struggle of people with disabilities, and making a difficult living situation nearly impossible.2  The fall economic statement is being announced this week, and if the federal government is waffling we need to force their hand.

If thousands of us email Kamal Khera, the new Minister for Diversity, Inclusion and Persons with Disabilities and Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland before the fall economic statement, it could convince them to fund the CDB now.

Email them to Fund the Canada Disability Benefit now! 

Ministers Kamal Khera and Chrystia Freeland

Personal stories can be huge catalysts for change when communicating with decision makers. Feel free to personalize the email text below.

Send to
Kamal Khera - Minister of Diversity, Inclusion and Persons with Disabilities
Chrystia Freeland - Minister of Finance
Sameer Zuberi - Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Diversity, Inclusion and Persons with Disabilities

Your details
Postal code format: A1A1A1 (no spaces)

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