Email your MP for a strong Canada Disability Benefit!

3,921 actions
goal: 6,000
Despite grand promises from the Liberal government about ending disability poverty in Canada – which was promised 4 years agothe Canada Disability Benefit (CDB) was woefully underfunded in Budget 2024.

As it currently stands, the government would only provide a maximum benefit amount of $2,400 per year – just $6.60 per day. And to add insult to injury, restrictive qualifications would leave 1.5 million people with disabilities out of the running for the benefit.

The Liberals are falling far short on their promise to bring people with disabilities out of poverty. This is unacceptable. But, it’s not too late. Budget 2024 will be voted on this week – and MPs will have a chance to decide what becomes a priority – so these numbers aren't final.

If thousands of us email our MPs now calling on them to demand stronger funding for the CDB before Budget 2024 is passed, it could be what tips the scale and forces MPs to fight for stronger funding for the CDB now.

Will you email your MP now demanding $1000 a month for the CDB?

Federal Members of Parliament

Demand $1000 a month for the Canada Disability Benefit

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your local representative

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Postal code format: A1A1A1 (no spaces)

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