Canadian politicians: the public supports measures to tax the wealthy and capital gains

1,450 actions
goal: 2,000
Yesterday, a motion to make the wealthy pay more tax passed in the House of Commons – and in yet another display of acting against the interest of working-class Canadians, the Conservatives voted against it.

The change is set to affect just 0.13% of the wealthiest Canadians, and is an important step towards a truly progressive taxation system. But since the change was announced, business leaders and their defenders have been in overdrive – talking to every major newspaper to oppose these tax changes, arguing that it isn’t in the best interest of Canadians.

In the face of all this rhetoric, it’s time to double down and show politicians that there is overwhelming public support for measures to make the wealthy pay their fair share.

Sign the petition.

Canadian Politicians:

Implement the Capital Gains Tax without delay and make sure the wealthy pay their fair share

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