Chip in to bring our demand for a grocery price freeze to Canada's grocery stores

Grocery company Metro just reported a 26% surge in profits – even while paying their workers so little that Metro employees can’t afford the groceries they sell.1

They’re not the only ones struggling to put food on their tables. Thanks to low wages and rapid inflation, 6.9 million Canadians are food insecure – a massive uptick over recent years.2

There’s no conceivable reason why – in a country like Canada – grocery conglomerates like Metro should be raking in record profits and leaving so many people to starve. That’s why we’re calling on Prime Minister Trudeau to implement a price freeze on essential groceries like bread, milk, and baby formula.

Now we need to send our message wider. If we can raise $11,125, we’ll be able to print hundreds of stickers calling for a grocery price freeze – and put them directly on the products that shoppers are struggling to afford in major grocery stores.

It'll bring the issue of grocery price inflation right to the aisles where it's happening — and help put pressure on the grocers and politicians who have the power to change it once and for all. Will you chip in now?

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