SIGN NOW: stop Premier Kenney & Minister LaGrange from sneaking through education cuts during COVID-19

4,542 actions
goal: 6,000
This is outrageous. In the midst of a public health pandemic, the Alberta government has executed the largest mass layoff in provincial history. [1][2]

Despite promising schools funding for the rest of the year, they just sacked over 25,000 education workers — including Education Assistants who are supporting parents of kids with special needs during this crisis. [3]

Like a thief in the night, Education Minister, Adriana LaGrange announced the mass layoffs in a tweet on Saturday afternoon — without so much as a news conference or Q&A with a minister. [4]

Premier Kenney and Minister LaGrange tried to sneak through the cuts during the COVID-19 pandemic to avoid public backlash. But a massive petition could blow the lid off their cruel cuts and force Kenney and LaGrange to backtrack. Will you add your name to the petition now?

Premier Jason Kenney and Education Minister Adriana LaGrange

In the midst of a pandemic, laying off over 25,000 education workers is cruel and unprecedented. Reverse your cuts to education now.

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Thank you for taking action!

Kenney and LaGrange think they got away with their secret cuts.

Help us blow the lid of this by sharing this petition with your networks.