4,542 actions
goal: 6,000
This is outrageous. In the midst of a public health pandemic, the Alberta government has executed the largest mass layoff in provincial history. [1][2]
Despite promising schools funding for the rest of the year, they just sacked over 25,000 education workers — including Education Assistants who are supporting parents of kids with special needs during this crisis. [3]
Like a thief in the night, Education Minister, Adriana LaGrange announced the mass layoffs in a tweet on Saturday afternoon — without so much as a news conference or Q&A with a minister. [4]
Premier Kenney and Minister LaGrange tried to sneak through the cuts during the COVID-19 pandemic to avoid public backlash. But a massive petition could blow the lid off their cruel cuts and force Kenney and LaGrange to backtrack. Will you add your name to the petition now?