Add your name in solidarity with education workers!

24,592 actions
goal: 32,000
URGENT: in an unprecedented attack on democracy, Doug Ford and Stephen Lecce are using the notwithstanding clause to force unionized education workers back to work, should they exercise their charter-protected rights to strike.1

They're hoping to pass the strike-breaking legislation quickly and quietly but they've underestimated public backlash. A massive petition, signed by tens of thousands of us, will show CUPE they're not alone in this fight and it could help counter Ford and Lecce's efforts to divide parents and education workers.

If you believe Ford and Lecce should drop their bullying tactics, and return to the bargaining table in good faith, add your name to the solidarity statement now.

Sign the solidarity statement now:

We the undersigned stand in solidarity with education workers and urge Premier Ford and Education Minister Lecce to stop attacking workers' charter-protected rights and return to the bargaining table in good faith.

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Postal code format: A1A1A1 (no spaces)

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