SIGN NOW: Send water-bombers and firefighters to Australia

9,472 actions
goal: 13,000
We’ve all seen the heartbreaking images from Australia’s wildfires: distressed koalas clinging onto firefighters, kangaroos running for their lives, and courageous firefighters battling massive flames.

The fires have already killed a billion animals, and forced thousands of families to leave their homes. [1] Temperatures are set to soar today, and Australia simply doesn’t have enough firefighters to get the fires under control. 

The Canadian government is considering sending more aid to Australia — and a massive petition could be the final push they need to send much-needed Canadian water-bombers and firefighters.[2]  

But with temperatures rising today, we have to act now. Add your name. 

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau:

Australia's wildfires are devastating the country. We need to do everything we can to help them. We urge you to send water-bombers and additional firefighters before it's too late.

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