Tell Ontario’s new Housing Minister: return removed lands to the Greenbelt

18,210 actions
goal: 24,000

Another forced resignation, a cabinet reshuffle and a new housing minister. That’s what happened when the provincial government tried to cover up the $8.3 billion dollar corruption at the heart of Doug Ford’s Greenbelt development policy.   


Two blistering reports last month forced the resignation of Ontario’s Housing Minister.1,2,3 Now our new Housing Minister, Paul Calandra, has been tasked with re-evaluating which Greenbelt parcels will be designated for development.4


This is a critical time. As Calandra takes on his new role, he needs to know that Ontarians will not allow our Greenbelt to continue to be used to make well connected developers disgustingly rich. A huge show of public determination to protect the Greenbelt could force our new Housing Minister to protect the Greenbelt. 


Sign the petition calling on new Housing Minister Paul Calandra to reverse the decision to designate Greenbelt land for development.

Tell our new Housing Minister: Return all removed lands to the Greenbelt

Your government’s Housing Taskforce report shows that Greenbelt land is not needed for housing. We are calling on you to ensure that your re-evaluation of Greenbelt land designated for development under a biased and corrupt process, returns all land to the Greenbelt.

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Postal code format: A1A1A1 (no spaces)

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With our new Housing Minister Paul Calandra just beginning a review of the parcels removed from the Greenbelt, we have to make sure that our demands are heard right away. Will you chip in with what you can now to supercharge our campaign to make sure that all land removed is returned to the Greenbelt?