Tell Ford: Don't pave over our Greenbelt, scrap Highway 413 now

30,353 actions
goal: 40,000
Doug Ford is trying to ram through a mega-highway and pave over a critical section of Ontario's pristine Greenbelt, important farmland, and our forests and rivers.1,2

Highway 413 would cause significant environmental damage, degrade the water source of millions of animals and people and cost us billions of dollars to save drivers a mere 60 seconds in travel time. 3,4

Right now, councillors and local residents are speaking out. A massive petition signed by tens of thousands of us could add to their pressure and convince Ford that he can’t get away with paving over our Greenbelt.

Add your name now.

Premier Ford and Minister Clark:

We need clean, green and public transportation, not a mega-highway. Scrap Highway 413 and invest in public transit instead.

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Postal code format: A1A1A1 (no spaces)

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