Open Letter to Loblaws CEO Galen Weston: Stop Profiting Off the Cost of Living Crisis

23,479 actions
goal: 31,000
Here’s the open letter:

To Loblaws CEO Galen Weston,

For months Canadians have been facing rising food costs. Food bank usage is up, people are having to make impossible choices between rent and food, and relief doesn't seem to be coming.

Meanwhile your company Loblaws, the country's biggest grocer, is seeing its profits skyrocket. Loblaws most recent 2022 earnings report indicated a 10% increase in profits compared to the year before.

Enough is enough. People across the country are struggling to meet their basic needs and are stressed about how to put food on their tables. Your company is making exorbitant profits off of people in hardship.

It is in your power to take a stand and take action to freeze and cut prices so they are fair — as you proved with your announcement of a price freeze on No Name products.

We, the undersigned, are urging you to do the right thing - because making millions of dollars of profit should not come before people’s well-being.


Thousands of members of the public

Galen Weston Jr

Stop profiting off the cost of living crisis.

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