Tell Doug Ford: no unlimited rent increases

23,206 actions
goal: 31,000
Doug Ford is attacking renters - allowing landlords to jack up housing prices in the middle of an affordable housing crisis.

Ontario law prohibits unlimited rent increases - but Doug Ford is ripping those protections away for new apartments. If his new law passes, rent could start to go up by hundreds - even thousands - of dollars, overnight.

Doug Ford explicitly said he wouldn't change the law, and he's buried this legislation in with dozens of other changes as part of a massive bill, hoping that you won't notice that he lied. [2,3] But we noticed - and a huge public outcry could force him to back down from his attempts to line the pockets of his rich donors while you pay the price.

Add your name to demand that Doug Ford preserve our protection against unlimited overnight rent increases.

To Premier Doug Ford:

Keep your promise and preserve the ban on unlimited rent increases on new apartments.

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Postal code format: A1A1A1 (no spaces)

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