No Polluter Loopholes: Canada needs fair climate rules

11,147 actions
goal: 15,000

News just leaked that the Trudeau government is considering gaping loopholes to let pipelines and tarsands projects escape his new climate rules. [1]

Letting Canada’s dirtiest industries skirt new rules would be a disaster for our environment -- and we need to move fast to stop it.

Trudeau's team likely leaked this plans as a “trial balloon” to see how the public would respond -- which means a fast and fierce backlash could convince them to scrap it.

But we don’t have much time. Signatures keep growing on this petition calling on Liberals to scrap the proposed loopholes, but we need to make it as huge as possible, as quickly as possible if we’re going to shoot down this trial balloon before it goes any further. [2]

Will you sign the petition demanding that the Liberals scrap these outrageous loopholes for big oil?

Dear Prime Minister Trudeau and Environment Minister McKenna

All pipelines and tar sands projects should include a fair climate review. Close the loopholes for Canada’s biggest polluters.

Your details
Postal code format: A1A1A1 (no spaces)

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Leadnow is sustained by thousands of small, individual donations from across the country. Can you chip in to ramp up the campaign to close polluter loopholes?