Polluters Pay

225 actions
goal: 500

The Trudeau government just unveiled their plan to put a price on carbon pollution -- and they’re trying to sneak in a massive loophole that would let tar sands companies, fracking corporations, and other industrial polluters off the hook for millions of dollars in carbon taxes. [1]

If the loophole goes through, some industrial polluters will not only pay zero carbon taxes -- they’ll actually get a taxpayer-funded handout. [2]

I'm not making this up. You can find the details in the government’s own draft legislation. [3]

If word gets out about this outrageous handout to big oil, it could destroy Trudeau’s strategy to position himself as a climate leader -- but so far they’ve managed to keep it under the radar. That’s why we need you to help blow the whistle.

The government is accepting public feedback on their draft plan right now -- and a flood of messages could convince them to remove this terrible loophole before they put the bill to a vote.

Will you send a message now?


[1-2] http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/carbon-pricing-draft-legislation-1.4487421

[3] https://www.fin.gc.ca/drleg-apl/2018/ggpp-tpcges-eng.asp

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I’m writing to express my strong opposition to measures in the draft carbon pricing legislation that would let industrial polluters off the hook for millions in carbon taxes.
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