Tell your MLA: Protect Old-Growth Trees Now

6,934 actions
goal: 10,000
This week the BC legislature is sitting again for the first time since the beginning of the pandemic – and Forests Minister Katrine Conroy has indicated forest reform legislation is on the table. 1 2 But with so many broken promises on old-growth, there's a chance this legislation could fall short of what is required to protect our ancient trees.

If we pile on the pressure right now, and flood the inboxes of MLAs with thousands of messages, it could be enough for them to speak out in the legislature and call for an immediate halt to old-growth logging. But our window of opportunity is short — the legislature is only sitting for 24 days in the next two months, so we have to act fast.

Send a message to your MLA now.

Photo credit: TJ Watt, Ancient Forest Alliance

Send a message to your MLA demanding an immediate halt to old-growth logging

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your local representative

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