Stop Bill 60: No more privatization of Ontario's healthcare

13,421 actions
goal: 18,000
Last week, Health Minister Sylvia Jones introduced a bill that would expand private, for-profit clinics.1 Bill 60, misleadingly titled Your Health Act, would make permanent the government’s plans allowing for-profit clinics to perform OHIP-covered surgeries and diagnostic procedures – and it has already gone through two readings.2

This legislation also allows for-profit clinics to upsell patients by offering services that are not covered by OHIP.3 Health advocates have already raised concerns that there is not sufficient oversight to ensure transparency for these extra charges, and that additional private services will pull staff away from the public hospitals where they are desperately needed.4

Premier Ford and his government are trying to push Bill 60 through before Ontarians realize the dangers it poses, but we won’t let him. We know that privatization is not innovation. We must stop Ford from taking another step towards funneling public resources into American-style privatized healthcare. Sign now to stop Bill 60 and keep Ontario’s healthcare public.

Premier Ford and Health Minister Jones:

We need healthcare that works for people, not profits. Stop the privatization of Ontario's healthcare and re-invest in the public system.

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