Stop Teck's mega tarsands mine

6,395 actions
goal: 9,000

Mining giant, Teck Resources, is trying to sneak the largest ever open-pit tarsands mine through a weak environmental review — before the Trudeau government can strengthen the rules.

The $20-billion Teck Frontier Mine would rip up huge swaths of pristine boreal forest, destroy critical habitat for caribou and bison, and spew out toxic pollution equivalent to 35 million new cars on the road.[1-2]

The project’s currently being reviewed under a weak, Harper-era process that’s likely to rubberstamp the project despite the massive environmental risks — but we have a unique opportunity to stop it.

Here’s the thing: right now, Trudeau’s finalizing a new set of rules for how tar sands projects like Teck get approved or rejected — but there’s a real risk they remain weak, and let projects that are already under review, sidestep the new ones.

A massive petition could convince Trudeau to put the Teck Frontier Mine through a rigorous environmental review — one so strict that the mine could never get approved.

Trudeau is expected to unveil his new environmental review process any day now, so we need to act fast. Will you sign the petition to make sure the largest-ever tarsands mine doesn’t get approved without a proper environmental review?

Trudeau's already facing some of the fiercest backlash on the climate file since his time in office this week, making him extra vulnerable to pressure from the public.  

A last minute flood of signatures from tens of thousands of voters across the country could ensure that any new review process is fit for the 21st-century: climate-science-based, includes rigrous environmental and Indigenous rights assessments, and applies to projects already under review.

This is the kind of robust process that toxic projects like Teck's could never pass. With Trudeau’s set to announce his new rules within days, we have to act now. Sign the petition.


Dear PM Trudeau, and Minister McKenna

Any changes to the review process for resource projects must include:
- Strong environmental and Indigenous Rights (UNDRIP) assessments, where projects are rejected if they don't align with Canada's commitments
- Projects that are currently under review, such as Teck Resources' Frontier Mine — not just 'new projects'

Anything short of this would betray the commitments your government has made.

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