Wealth Tax Now: Send a message to Cabinet Ministers

4,961 actions
goal: 7,000
It’s no secret that the rich are getting richer – and a recent report from Oxfam shows that we are on track to have our first trillionaire within the decade.1

As billionaires rake in profits, wealth inequality in Canada is increasing at record speed. Between inflation, stagnating wages and the increase in the cost-of-living, seniors and younger families are feeling it the most and having to rely on credit cards and taking on debt just to get by.2

As the Trudeau government hosts a cabinet retreat with key government decision makers to discuss “supporting the middle class”, we have an opportunity to exert pressure and demand that a wealth tax be part of that plan.3 Will you call on Justin Trudeau, Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland, and cabinet ministers to pass a wealth tax now?

Send a message to Cabinet Ministers

Send to
Prime Minister Trudeau
Minister Freeland
And all Cabinet Ministers

Your details
Postal code format: A1A1A1 (no spaces)

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