We need a wealth tax for Canada's super-rich - sign now!

48,238 actions
goal: 63,000
A super majority of Canadians support a wealth tax on multimillionaires to help pay for the pandemic recovery and reduce growing inequality.1

While half of Canadians are living paycheque to paycheque, just 87 families own over $259 billion -- over half the country’s wealth. Without proper and fair taxation, these fortunes continue to skyrocket as our wages stagnate, our jobs disappear, and our public services crumble.2,3

We have an opportunity to re-build Canada’s economy in a way that works for everyone -- not just the wealthy few. Trudeau’s Liberals are planning how to recover from the Covid crisis -- and they’re paying close attention to what the public wants.

If you think the richest 1% shouldn't get richer while the rest of the country is struggling to get by, sign the petition today.

Prime Minister Trudeau

As wealth at the top is soaring, everyday Canadians are struggling to get by.

We’re calling on you to implement a wealth tax -- a reasonable, fair and common-sense approach to reducing inequality and shoring up the funds to build back a better Canada.

Your details
Postal code format: A1A1A1 (no spaces)

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Leadnow is sustained by thousands of small, individual donations from across the country. Can you chip in to help ramp up our campaign for a wealth tax?