News from Leadnow

National Day of Truth and Reconciliation
Wednesday, September 29, 2021
Who are Leadnow's Courage to Lead Champions?
Thursday, September 2, 2021
Our best shot at tackling the intersecting crises we're facing is if we can elect courageous leaders — who not only recognize the scale of these issues, but will rise up to respond with emergency-level action. Having the courage to tackle these crises means championing a Just Transition and a Basic Income on the campaign trail, in the House of Commons, and even challenging one's party to be better and more ambitious. That’s why we’ve endorsed 9 champions with the Courage to Lead. read more »
Press Release: Leadnow announces endorsed Courage to Lead Champions for the federal election
Wednesday, September 1, 2021


With polls tightening, organization seeks to reach hundreds of thousands of voters before Election Day

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Electing courageous leaders who will deliver a safe and just future for all
Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Courage to Lead

We have enough for everyone, and Canada is stronger when we take care of each other. Caring for each other means boldly committing to addressing the climate crisis and the inequities that the pandemic revealed.

Canada's wealth has soared even as we've allowed inequality to grow. During the pandemic, Canadian billionaires increased their wealth by $78 billion. Meanwhile, the climate emergency is here. Entire towns are being lost to wildfires that disproportionately threaten Indigenous and remote communities. It’s clearer than ever that this system is broken—and this election is a chance to shift that.

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Resources for Non-Indigenous people to take action
Wednesday, June 30, 2021
Since European settlers set foot onto Turtle Island, Indigenous peoples have been subject to violence, oppression, and killings. Non-Indigenous people who live here still benefit from colonialism, which means we all have a role to play in reconciliation. Here are some ways you can take action. read more »
Job Posting: Campaigner
Monday, May 17, 2021
Contact your MP about basic income
Thursday, April 1, 2021
Use this page to find out how to email your MP. read more »
A basic income for Canada
Wednesday, March 31, 2021
A guaranteed, livable basic income, coupled with investments in social programs, will help ensure everyone can live a dignified life. read more »